
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2018


Kurt Melcher, who runs the program at Robert Morris, said that games adopted for the academic environment develops strategy teamwork. I’d like to support the statement basing on the New York Times’ articles on the topic of using technology in education.   In one of NY articles named « Programmed for success » it is written: «in 2013 students started organizing themselves, creating their own opportunities for gaming. »…«Players attend practice Monday through Thursday, from 4:30 to p.m., with an hour break for dinner. They analyze film, participate in team-building activities, and sit for communication sessions. » What that means is that students learn how to collaborate with each other by playing games. It is moreover a great opportunity for them to win a prize and pay for their education – a great motivation, isn’t it?

Final topic. Rights

All people all the globe around have rights of different kinds. The right of freedom that is the first right I'm on to describe is the right of seeing the world and doing what you love, which is undoubtedly significant. In our century, all people are free both to organize and also to participate in the variety of events such as festivals or carnivals. The Notting Hill Carnival in London is definitely worth visiting especially if you enjoy dancing and trying out various attractions. If you get along with listening to a classical music you should visit the Musical Olympus International Festival in St. Petersburg. Concerts and talent shows are there for people. That’s how people are fully able to do whatever they want nowadays. What is not less essential in our lives is the freedom of moving from place to place which is the way of changing our lifestyles. Such a right we fortunately have these days. The example is below. Clara has just moved to a new house in countr...