Final 5 module topic.
Lifelong learning W hat lifelong learning is really like? W hy do we study? W hat for? W hat is the purpose? S ome of us have answered these questions already - we learn, we study, we revise over and over again to be clever and educated, to be aware of how to solve the problem we have, to become the complete human, and so on. P lenty oceans of knowledge are surrounding us, our choice - to dive into a few (some) of them to compare feelings, to know where and how do we feel ourselves better. P eople differently make desicions during their lifetime, they want to try themselves everywhere. T hese are the stories of those, who'd found himself and who still searchs for. A ll of us are able to get used to any conditions, that's what exactly motivate, lead us to the action. S alman Khan, a Harward University graduate is studying for a lecture he's going to give, it'll take place on YouTube, it won't last for more than ten minutes, and it will reach a potentioal audienc...