Still a mystery. Final topic (module 4)
Let me tell you a story based on a real facts. Some of them are currently not proved, some of them are still remain a mystery. Could a T-rex really walk the Earth again? Well dinosaurs were roaming the Earth over 65 million years ago and dinosaur DNA doesn't last that long, even in teeth or bones. Jack Horner, a world famous palaentologist ar Montana State University, however, disagrees. "Of course we can bring them to life," he says "the science is there." In fact, in 2003, his team made a breakthrough that amazed scientists, one of Jack's students have found an organic material. So does it mean that we will be sharing Earth with cloned T-rexes in the future? Jack believes it's possible, but a complete genetic map of a dinosaur would have to be worked out first and that might take decades.. Jack isn't the only one following this line of research. At McGill University in Canada, Hans Larsson has conducted experiements into reactiving dinosaur DNA ...