
Сообщения за май, 2015

Essay #3

                                                               Reasons for studying    T o begin with - for someone(for more over than a half of the population of the people), studying- is just something like a nightmare, is the most tormenting employment in their life.So, what's the main reasons for studying, and, what's the another type of the learners?   T o get up from the sunset, to keep silence during the lessons, even to go to school for some pupils is just a huge number of the problems, without talking about the main process of  learning the subjects. In addition, that's also connected with a shortage of the motivation and a special inspiration in their life.  B ut for many others,- studying, is not just a type of getting a knowledge, but just a kind of the sport, a cometition, where they ...

ESL for all

       Many countries, nations and the people nowadays are thinking about to start learning a new foreign language - english. An important thing that, some people would agree that english language is really useful, needfull, or just relevant in our generation to speak with almost everybody, and another part of the people,- people who think that learning any new foreign languages is just a type of wasting the time, or just an unnecessary employment wich will never bring a benefit for them.

To do or not to do?

     Many young people today, especially those want to buy, to improve, to do sport, or have done with something in their life are often suffering and just struggling with themselves to start and keep moving towards their final destinations, or they're just think a lot, but can't decide what to do.

Crime and community

Have you ever thought that our world is a safety place to live in.. Actually, that is partly true, but not at all.. There are still also lots of crimes in the towns and the cities nowadays. For us, it is definitely necessary to know all about this, to avoid sad consequences. Are you in mind that that can be really important for your to do not leave your house without installing a signalization, or special video cameras?