
Сообщения за февраль, 2015

A day with my grandad

If i had one day with my grandad, we would spend it in the forest,on a picnic, at home, or in other places. But exactly at the 23'd of the february, on the Defender's day we have a tradition to walk around the park of the military technic. On this day we often talking about past world wars, i often ask him about his life experience, about his opinion, about his achievments. If I only had a right to born at the same time with my grandfather, i think that we would be a dearest friends and comrades. I know that i take after my grandad, we are really similar and he's not only my relative, he is also my very good friend , All the time that we were together, at the time of our meetings, we had never argued, we were always in good relationships!   

Task 5

1. What will you do in case of the crash of your car during the picnic in the forest? 2. Just imagine, what will happen if bears come to you, during the forest picnic? 3. What type of clothes will you wear on a picnic? 4. Which things will you prepare to use them at the forest? 5. Whom you would like to pick up on a picnic?

Memory course

Yesterday, we finally finished a memory course! After 3 days of hard practising with a new material, which is very needfull and usefull in real life. We were practising how to effective and succesfully put something in , and not just  word, just any kind of the information,(texts, numbers, dates, stories, poems, poems or poetries, no matter, just anything that you need to remember), and different types of the remembering.. My brain was just boiled a bit..