
Сообщения за 2015

Final topic

Modern nowadays What will be wearing in the future ? While some scientists are developing textiles that allow the wearer to generate electricity as they walk and others are working on clothes that monitor your fitness. Dr Manel Torres and Prof. Luckham have invented a spray-on-fabric. The spray contains minute cotton, wool, linen or acrylic fibres that dry instantly on your skin and turn into garments like T'shirts or tops, so you can wear it, design it, wash it , and ,  if you'll get bored, - even dissolve it. In our nearest tempting future, when it will go to sale, it'll probably cost around 10 pounds a can, exciting! On the other hand, exceptions can be found everywhere. For example, this is Joanne Massey, and she better prefers living in 1950s time warp! Her home is just like a 1950s time capsule with retro decor and second hand vintage appliances, she also loves 1950s fasion and never leaves the house without her 50's style bright lipstick on. "I admit I am...

Nature phenomena

 When somebody asks you about the nature ? What nature do you imagine precisely ? The incredible power of the volcanic eruptions,the sound of depths under the water, the feeling of the late afternoon sun heats your skin, or the echo of the mountain avalanches? Whatever it will be, the beauty is observed.  When a volcano erupts, most people want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as they can! German engineer Martin Ritze, on the other hand, grabs his camera and tries to get as close as he can and stay alive at the same time!  So sometimes, he's so close that he can feel the heat burning his face even through his gas mask. The lava flow is about a metre away and it's getting closer every second. Anyway, he can't stay there for too long because gases and acids will destroy his camera. In a conclusion : Martin is a freelance photographer whose stunning photographs of volcanic eruptions are in high demand with newspapers and magazines all over the world. ...

A freelance job. Is it worth doing it ?

Freelance job is really popuar nowadays, as for adults, as for teens.  My own opinion - that this job might be often really profitable as for the customers  , as for freelancers, because the searcher reaches his destination, and gets paid, the customer takes a profit, for example: the magazin hires a freelance photographer, he takes a hundreds of photoes, after they 1. Check his qualification|skills , 2. Accept|reject his photoes. Everething at the same time. Someone admit(Somwhere is considered )  that freelancers have not enough skills, they are often waste a time of the companies|corporations.   In conclusion: 1.Freelance job is available for everyone who's reached his citizenship documents.  2. Sometimes for both of the parts (customer|freelancer) their union is profitable, sometimes - no.    3. Sometimes it is just a wasting of time for everyone       

My summer holiday

From the beginning. here are some thoughts I'd like to support, or compare with other people's opinions. During the time I was at the school camp, in june, i've noticed and faced in the real, some of the most popular teens problems such as : leck of an attention, addiction to the mobile phones, or computers, impoliteness, or, even egoism.. To start with, egoistical mood in my opinion is very irritant and , even annoying side of the human behaviour and manners, for example : when you introduce yourself, try to greet him with a simple handshake, or say him hello, and he, instead an answer, or other gesture, returns you the only silence..  There appears a feeling as you are just the rudest boy on a planet, that's an uncomfortable feeling. On the other hand, some people consider egoistical behaviour to be a cool and useful thing to make them become popular inside their friends campaign. To conclude, there are many different points of view on this point, to my mind it i...

Essay #3

                                                               Reasons for studying    T o begin with - for someone(for more over than a half of the population of the people), studying- is just something like a nightmare, is the most tormenting employment in their life.So, what's the main reasons for studying, and, what's the another type of the learners?   T o get up from the sunset, to keep silence during the lessons, even to go to school for some pupils is just a huge number of the problems, without talking about the main process of  learning the subjects. In addition, that's also connected with a shortage of the motivation and a special inspiration in their life.  B ut for many others,- studying, is not just a type of getting a knowledge, but just a kind of the sport, a cometition, where they ...

ESL for all

       Many countries, nations and the people nowadays are thinking about to start learning a new foreign language - english. An important thing that, some people would agree that english language is really useful, needfull, or just relevant in our generation to speak with almost everybody, and another part of the people,- people who think that learning any new foreign languages is just a type of wasting the time, or just an unnecessary employment wich will never bring a benefit for them.

To do or not to do?

     Many young people today, especially those want to buy, to improve, to do sport, or have done with something in their life are often suffering and just struggling with themselves to start and keep moving towards their final destinations, or they're just think a lot, but can't decide what to do.

Crime and community

Have you ever thought that our world is a safety place to live in.. Actually, that is partly true, but not at all.. There are still also lots of crimes in the towns and the cities nowadays. For us, it is definitely necessary to know all about this, to avoid sad consequences. Are you in mind that that can be really important for your to do not leave your house without installing a signalization, or special video cameras?

Life experience

In this topic(here) I'll try to use  new words from my dictionary and module 5. First of all i'll tell what is "life experience" just to my opinion, and about the types of  the life experience, as for the second. 

Conversations with the foreigners(American students)

That wasn't my first time speaking with foreign visitors of our country, or with foreigners at total. I think that  communicating, and of corse speaking with the foreigners is very interesting and useful  employment, as in language practice, as in social.


1. How can you describe the faces of the teenagers ? 2. Have you argued with an usher ? 3. Does that story excited you ? 4. Have you tell that story to someone else ? 5. What was your own opinion about the waiters ?    

Healthy mind-healthy body

I will tell you about an employments and their results or how they can affect on our health. Our  modern types of spending the time as the: watching the TV, listening to music, sitting in front of the computer screens or, even, sending the text messages on your phone,- can cause something as the blurred vision, or and eye strain to your eyes, as the hearing loss to your ears, as the itchy rash to your skin on the face and to other health problems. You should do everething moderately,- that's how you can avoid everething that you only need to!

Realistic view and comparison(differences) of the countries(Australia-Russia)

1.You can see a lot of differences of the forests of the Ausralia and Russia on the pictures  First picture-Australia Second- no comment 2. There are hundreds species of the animals which you can meet only in Australia. 3. That is a photos of the plants in Australia, just imagine that Australian tree in Russia, unubelievable

A day with my grandad

If i had one day with my grandad, we would spend it in the forest,on a picnic, at home, or in other places. But exactly at the 23'd of the february, on the Defender's day we have a tradition to walk around the park of the military technic. On this day we often talking about past world wars, i often ask him about his life experience, about his opinion, about his achievments. If I only had a right to born at the same time with my grandfather, i think that we would be a dearest friends and comrades. I know that i take after my grandad, we are really similar and he's not only my relative, he is also my very good friend , All the time that we were together, at the time of our meetings, we had never argued, we were always in good relationships!   

Task 5

1. What will you do in case of the crash of your car during the picnic in the forest? 2. Just imagine, what will happen if bears come to you, during the forest picnic? 3. What type of clothes will you wear on a picnic? 4. Which things will you prepare to use them at the forest? 5. Whom you would like to pick up on a picnic?

Memory course

Yesterday, we finally finished a memory course! After 3 days of hard practising with a new material, which is very needfull and usefull in real life. We were practising how to effective and succesfully put something in , and not just  word, just any kind of the information,(texts, numbers, dates, stories, poems, poems or poetries, no matter, just anything that you need to remember), and different types of the remembering.. My brain was just boiled a bit..

Task 4

First part "5 mixed sentences" 1. Wildlife, warming, is, a, serious, threat, to, global. 2. Great, danger, are, in, arctic, polar, bears. 3. Drown, or, starve, many. 4. Enough ,that's, cover, to, major, city, almost, Earth, on. 5. More, and, more, weather, it, means, and, unpredictable, extreme.

The best Christmas present.

I think that, for me, the best Сristmas present is - to celebrate(meet) the Christmas with my family or(and) with my dearest friends, I'll be very glad of that! I'll be very glad, even if I will not get any presents from anybody, because I have allready get them! Exactly that atmosphere, which will be inside of our little group,in our little family of friends and relatives, exactly that will be the best Christmas present for me!

Snowballing (giant), (Giant snowballing)

  The rules of the game(competition): 1. There are only two persons in each team 2. One of them will be inside of the giant snowball(like a sausage in the hotdog)  3. And the second member of the team will stand on a ground to keep the ball moving.   4. On the way to the finish there can become some difficulties or an obstacles, different, as you only can imagine. 5. That's able to be dangerous, because of that, attentive will be your best friend