Love. Recently I have rediscovered that: 1. Love can be forever as love is mostly about the connections of people's souls and inner worlds. Therefore appearence is secondary when it comes to the reasons of falling in love. 2. Love between a couple charges both with tons of energy - that's why probably Ivan Grozny became weak after losing his love. Love is inspiration and motivation. 3. Falling in love may be started with realization of similarities between a couple. This way partner selection decision may be based on domination of these common things over the things distinguishing you and your sweetie. 4. From the biological point of view this feeling may be considered as the release of bunch of hormones such as pheromones, dopamine, adrenaline, serotonin, oxytocin and vazopresin. That's truly a lot!!! 5. Evolutionarily, love is the instrument of surviving - which is our sub-conscious pretty ancient mechanism that we use (that uses us) to promote m...
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Nowadays some people are worried about schools killing children’s creativity. Let us firstly know more about the definition of creativity and also about the way schools diminish and develop creativity. Referring to Wikipedia, creativity consists of creative abilities allowing people to come up with principally new ideas deviating from traditional or established systems of thinking. Interestingly it is also mentioned that the one who is creative feels intuitively how to come up with a new idea and how to find the right direction of thoughts and also how to solve tasks: to add a thing or turn something upside down, creativity is the key for “endlessly diverse and interesting life.” Creativity is the antidote from stereotypes. Creativity is the tool for the self-realization. If you ask me I wouldn’t say schools kill creativity. Undoubtedly schools spread people’s and governmental opinions (/ideology) , some parts of what should be filtered. Though schools give basic knowledge - wh...
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I’ve chosen picture 2. As you know I am a great fan of taking pictures and so wherever I go I take my camera. Recently I’ve had an opportunity to take some pictures in school 80 located nearby. This photo was taken two weeks ago in gymnasium 80 in Chelyabinsk. On the photo there are 4th graded on the lesson of geography and their teacher Marina Andreevna. There are desks, the globe and the pencils on the foreground and some cupboards on the background. At the moment the teacher is pointing at the globe to show them something. The photo is kept in my album in order to remind myself of the times I was a private school student myself. I’ve decided to show this photograph to you to show how significant it is to educate young people. Learning is extremely essential from young ages since that is the period when people learn to be curious and ambitious.
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Learning may be either scientific or closer to everyday life. I’d like to describe two pictures illustrating both kinds of acquiring knowledge. On the picture one there’s illustrated a family spending their time in kitchen where they have all the appliances and furniture like table and chairs. They are cooking and washing dishes. In picture two there is a group of children and their teacher. They are learning something with help of globe in classroom. There are some common things about these two pictures: First of all in both pictures people are indoor at the moment. Besides, all of the people on both pictures look quite involved in process. Talking about the differences, these pictures have different styles. Picture one is drawn whereas the second one is the real photography. Moreover, the second group of people is at school while the first one is at home. I’d definitely chose the second type of spending time as at school I may learn something ve...
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And another TEDx video we have watched during the lesson and so this is what I think about it. This video is on the topic of what distinguishes top students from the ordinary ones. Douglas Barton, the speaker, in his, as I think, too boring and too long speech has mentioned multiple times that the thing different about top students is that they are more practice-oriented when preparing for exams. Not like other students, mostly trying to get all things remembered before the exam. He said they are more successful being able to give an answer created by themselves as they do not spend that much time on revising the material. It is all too subjective as some exams like history or literature require accurate knowledge and the only way to be prepared for such exams is only to learn something by heart, where there is no way you could cheat. What I liked about the thoughts he has introduced was that it doesn’t matter how hard we work but it really matters what we are working on. That’...
TED talk
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Another TED talk we've watched recently and it has been said about schools and how they kill creativity. Sir Ken Robinson was the speaker and I don’t know was it more laughy or interesting to listen him. The main thought he introduced was that schools are vastly focused on the academic success among students, not considering people’s talents. This argument sir Robinson supported with example that some of his friends have reached this academic success being phd doctors, and so now they live in their heads being too far from the real world and creativity - that is the goal of modern education. He also gave an example of the girl who loved dancing and who just couldn’t be still. Teachers only complained about her being unsuccessful in studying and just not comining with the system. The education system was blind to see and to admit that her destination in life was moving to the music. And so she made her decision and started dancing all the time instead of studying. She became famo...
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I’ve just watched the TED talk given by Tim Urban on the lovely topic of procrastination. The main idea was that “we should really think harder about what we’re really procrastinating on, before we run out of time. In other words, sometimes we must fight and struggle to start doing something that we want or what is just needed. In his speech he illustrates this “instant gratification monkey” having its impact on “rational decision maker” inside our brain. It was said this monkey is only cared about something easy and fun, distracting our decision maker trying to do whatever makes sense. Also it was mentioned that the only thing this funny monkey is afraid of is the "panick monster" that is usually the exam or any other deadline approaching. After all, maybe we should be more worried about the consequences of not doing anthing sometimes in order to motivate ourselves? What I liked the most was that in the end of it he presented the square consisting of small square...